We've been talking about CFB lately, and we'll talk more as I collect my BCS thoughts. However I think it's time we talk a little NFL football.
I don't know if you noticed, but this month is
NFL Hispanic Heritage Month. If you watched MNF last night you MIGHT have picked up on it with Anthony singing the National Anthem, Estefan doing "Are you ready for some football" with Hank Williams Junior. (I bet he wants to spit some beechnut in that producer dude's eye...cause a country boy can survive) You also may have noticed that Mark Sanchez is indeed a Mexican-American, and the first penalty was announced in Spanish. Again, you had to look closely, but it was there.
In all seriousness, I think it's cool that the NFL is trying to expand their product. The picture above shows the Mexican U-19 national team that competed in the IFAF world championships this summer. They finished in 4th behind Japan, (Japan has a baller team) Canada, and the
U.S.A MOTHER FUCKERS!!!. I watched a couple of games and the international quality of American football is much better than I expected. They showed a shot in Mexico City where groups gather every week in movie theaters to watch MNF, and you know what, I think that's cool. Hell I even like having a regular season game in London, and in the future Mexico City. However I will go all Pat Buchanon when the Ginger Overlord talks about having the Super Bowl outside of the U.S.A. FIRST THEY TAKE OUR JEEEERBS NOW THEY'RE TAKIN OUR FOOTBAWWWWWW.
I interviewed GRH Hispanic heritage expert, Icehouse, about his thoughts.
we gave Hispanics a pretty sweet monthOctober is nice
not too hot
has football

October is also breast cancer awareness month, as you can tell by all the NFL standard issue pink flare. I went to the Iggles game this past Sunday and the NFL is doing a pretty good job with this. I've had family members affected by this disease and it's comforting to know that some of my $5,000 12 oz. will go to a good cause.
Ok now on to the teams.
Giants-Vikings-Colts-Saints: In my mind these are the four best teams in the NFL right now. The Giants and Saints are going to throw down next Sunday at 1:00 EST. (FACK, why can't we have flex scheduling the entire year) The giants have looked strong, but a lot of that comes from the weak schedule they've had. However in all fairness they've dominated those teams, sans Dallas. NOLA on the other hand has played the Iggles and Jets. Everyone wants to talk about Drew Brees and the offense. They are doing well, make no mistake, but the big surprise is the Saints defense completely pwning people week in and week out. I'll give the advantage to the Saints.
In other news, Pey Pey is still good.
Everyone is blowing Brittfar, but C'mon, they were a solid team with T-Jack behind center.
In other news, I can't stand Brittfar.
Naturally we have a lot of teams bunched in the middle. I'll go ahead and say that I think the Iggles, Pats, and Jets have the best shot at the playoffs. Pats and Jets have run into some good teams. The Iggles have been passing the ball well, but watch out if they ever get that running game going.
I could include the Bears in this segment, but they have a pretty hard schedule coming up so who knows how they will eventually turn out. Same could be said for Atlanta.
One team that I THINK could emerge is Pittsburgh. They have a decent schedule and the running game should pick up.

Two surprise teams: Tennessee and Denver. The Titans have completely blown every game they've played in. Sure, they were competitive in several games, but GD that defense blows. NFL blowhards will point to the departure of Albert Haynesworth, but I think it has to do more with the Jim Schwartz heading off to the Lions. Denver on the other hand seems to keep pulling shit out of their ass through five weeks. However, the schedule gets significantly harder in the coming weeks, so we shall see what boy wonder and the town drunk are made of.
Finally we have the WORST team in the NFL. This Honor goes to the St. Louis Rams. For real, they suck hard, real hard.
For those of you who care, Stovall and Harem of Men( our only girl...besides pope and early favorite for team name award) are leading the GRH fantasy league (undefeated). Stovall, however, did not draft so take that for what it's worth.