Ok before we start into the NFL I think it's about time we all get a little bit of closure from this past season.
Rammer Jammer yellow hammer congratulations Alabama. It makes sense. And let's face it, Alabama was the team to beat after the start of this season. And I've never been more happy to be in the North than right now because I'm far far away from stupid celebrations and overall fan stupidity. On another note, Nick. I understand you were happy about the win from a "process standpoint" but really, a smile every now and again will help the anti-christ rumors. (But really, Saban is a great coach, reading his book, and I think Alabama is going to move into USC dominance territory.)
STOP IT, JUST STOP IT.Look, losing Colt McCoy sucked...hard. But stop saying "don't they have anyone better to put back there....This just shows how incomplete Texas was blah blah blah" First of all. Texas did have someone behind McCoy. Garret Gilbert was a five star coming out of high school and he was the #2 rated QB behind Matt Barkley....you know the guy who started for USC. The other thing is that he was playing against ALABAMA. The team that crucified Tebow. (although he did rise the third day to destroy Cincy to sit at the right hand of God the father almighty) You realize only one team scored more on Alabama and that team was...Virginia Tech WTF!?!?
I'm SorryI'm Sorry Brian Stinespring. You haven't heard me but I've called you very bad names during VT football games, I've made fun of your pussy Skoal pouches and bitch ass Disani spitter, but you did fine this year and you got Tyrod to stop jumping around in the pocket. Although I think you had some help from RYAN WILLIAMS. Although I admit sometimes when I close my eyes at night I imagine Leach would come to Blacksburg, team up with Bud Foster to form Optimus Prime, and destroy college football.
Teams I like next yearOther than the obvious ones
Notre Dame. (HA I'm just fing around ND blows)
But the biggest one is Nebraska. I know I'm supposed to hate them, but I really do like the program and the history. I really want to root for them and I get close to doing it....until I talk to one of their fans.

Ever talk to a Nebraska fan? It's excruciating. They are so nice...Almost too nice, but everything always turns into some passive aggressive attempt to show you the greatness of NU football.
Ever have a conversation with a child of the corn?
Me: Yeah so I went to the Tech UVA game and there was a ton of Tech fans it was...
Herbie Husker: Yeah well NEBRASKA typically travels the best in all of CFB, here let me show you a picture of the time so many NEBRASKA fans went to South Bend. We started chanting Husker home game. Do you want a cupcake.
Me: Uh no, but....
HH: You also know we have the record for most home game sellouts.
Me: Cool, But yeah I wish it was at Lane stadium beca.....
HH: Hey let me ask you a question, Can officials just change rules?
Me: What?
HH: You know can they just make up their own rules?
Me: Not following.
HH: Well in the Big 12 championship that NEBRASKA was leading the officials reviewed the clock which isn't in the rule book.
Me: Sure it is.
HH: Well you're young so you wouldn't really know these things. Here is a lollipop. But you can't review the clock.
Me: yeah actually you can and should.
/google's NCAA rulebook, shows relavant ruling.
HH: Well they got the call wrong.
Me: /youtube's the final play.
HH: Well they won't win anyway you know NEBRASKA had the number one defense.
Me: Scoring defense.
HH: HH: Yes, Number 1. You know I played at Millard directional high school. They won the state championship, one of the best teams in the country.
Me: Didn't see them on any top 25 polls.
HH: Well it was the NEBRASKA State Championship Here is some apple pie. You know I met DR. TOM OSBORNE.
/takes apple pie
//Throws it at inflatable Husker
///Husker deflates.
Seriously Nebraska chill the F out.
You know what the N in Nebraska stands for? nowledge.
Troy is burning.
Pete is no dummy.
BCS is that guy.
Ok I get it. There are logistical on financial things that I CAN'T POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND concerning playoffs in CFB. I can stomach it, and actually understand it to some degree. For a lot of student athletes the bowls provide a great experience. (although I don't know why you would have to get rid of them) Personally the playoff thing gets old every year and I get tired of everyone telling me their fail proof playoff plan. But then the BCS had to go an piss me off with the
Inside the BCS twitter feed. Whatever BCS intern is running that thing has become aggressively more idiotic over the past month. Here are some highlights, with my breakdown FJM style.
"The last week of the NFL this year is proof playoffs suck"
You do realize the "last week" of CFB includes conference championship games?
"BYU, Miami (Fla.), West Virginia, Pittsburgh, Oregon State, Oklahoma State, Arizona, Stanford, Nebraska, Utah, USC and Wisconsin. They won’t be happy about being left out of this 16-team playoff scheme."
They probably would be upset, perhaps they should have done better in the regular season.
"In Dan’s playoff include Alabama vs. Troy; Texas vs. East Carolina, and Cincinnati vs. Central Michigan. Dan calls these “must-see” games, but the bowls are far better at creating compelling and competitive matchups."
They are more compelling than when Florida plays Charleston Southern to boost BCS points. And I dont think anyone wants to get rid of bowls...bowls are awesome.
"Then there is the travel burden his plan would impose on fans. In Mr. Wetzel’s playoff, Penn State would travel 984 miles to the Swamp to play the Gators in the first round. If the Nittany Lions were to win and the higher seeds win other games, they would pack their bags and fly 1,392 miles to Fort Worth to face TCU the next week."
I KNOW I wonder how the NFL does it? Or teams in the Basketball tournament? Although you could just give an auto bid to NEBRASKA because NEBRASKA fans always travel the best in all of CFB.
Here's the thing, if the BCS just came out and said, "look we are the best you have in the current structure, we typically try to find the best two teams to play for the national championship" I'd have no problem. And like I said earlier I understand the economic/logistics argument BUT don't come out and try to tell me from a fan's perspective that playoffs wouldn't ROCK FLAG AND EAAAAAAAGGGGGLEEE.