"Dang it," said Vick, according to a police report.
Jogging enthusiast Shauna Robertson, owner of Barkley, said that she knew the former superstar was trouble the minute he walked out.
"He had this crazy look about him! He was saying something about 'Free at last,' and Oh! He killed Barkley," cried Robertson, who intends to press charges.
"'Free to KILL AGAIN at last is more like it," sobbed Robertson.
Attorneys for Vick say that Barkley was the victim of a happenstance, and that gravity and the pebble are the culprits.
No word on what Roger Goodell thinks of this latest fold in the Michael-Vick-being-crazy-and-killing-animals-like-a-psycho(TM) saga.
"Dang it!"
ReplyDeletewell played.
Free Mike Vick