"Hey Roy, you're wearing the wrong number! HAHA!"
Roy: "Brooks, you suck."
"Hey, if we don't make the playoffs, I can't screw it up!"
See if you can't spend your Thanksgiving travel time writing better captions.
Your source for sports and culture analysis from the Natural himself.
Roy: Could someone please get me on a team that doesn't wear silver white and blue? Apparently those teams win games.
ReplyDeleteRoy: John Kitna is that you?
ReplyDeleteRomo: HaHa TO called him a punk bitch when he walked by too.
ReplyDeleteRW: So I'm banging this chick named Bollinger and she's like "My husband sucks!" and I'm like "You do too, beeeeatch" because that's a pun and hilarious.
ReplyDeleteTR: That's funny, but Roy, Brooks is right here...
BB: Yeah.
RW" Yeah, I know. I was just letting him know.
BB: Thank you sir.
Roy: Knock, knock.
ReplyDeleteBrooks: Who's there?
Roy: Go fuck yourself.
Tony: Oh man! He got you so good man. You don't even know.
Romo: God, I am so awesome.
ReplyDeleteBB: I really just wanna go back to watching.
Romo: You will soon you pussy face.
RW: "Brooks has a baby weiner!!!!"
ReplyDeleteTR: "That was funny Roy."
BB: "It's true. I suck at everything."
I fuck jessica simpson I fuck jessica simpson I fuck jessica simpson
Honestly though I fuck for the love of the game.
I have it tatooed on my dick.
Romo: Hey guys! I farted!
ReplyDeleteBollinger: I hate my life.
Roy: Tony, remember that time in the hotel when I teabagged Bollinger while he was asleep!
ReplyDeleteRomo: hahahahahahahaha
Roy: Tony, remember that time in the hotel when I teabagged Bollinger while he was asleep!
ReplyDeleteRomo: hahahahahahahaha
Jessica told me to tell you that the lemon has been peeled.
ReplyDelete... she said you would know