Get 'em, Mac.

So yeah. Icehouse has to go to a work conference this weekend. That means that this Saturday and Sunday is essentially ONE BIGASS WEDNESDAY for him. Fuck.
So let's kick this pig.
Here we have a friend of commenter Brian and myself, Trevyn Newpher (in the blue), kickin' ass in Whistler.
Utah Jazz Bear vs. Some Cavs Fan. WHO YA GOT?
This video is all over the Internet. So that means you get it here too.
Nate Robinson is better at makes burritos the same way he runs the point: Sloppily, with a lot of talk.
And to round out this week: Another person that Ochocinco knows that I only wish that I knew.

I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson, I hate Nate Robinson,