"What do we want?"
"A black quarterback!"
"When do we want it?"
"Screw dogfighting, we wants some HOGfighting!"
"Vick would be awesome on the DC United!"
Vick and the skins. Enjoy.
Your source for sports and culture analysis from the Natural himself.
On an unrelated note RIP Evans' ACL. That really does suck, my thoughts are with Lattimer during this tough time.
ReplyDeleteWe have the most contraversal team name in football now give us the least contraversal player
ReplyDeleteI already bought his helmet! This is $110 investment on my part! FIX YO FAN COMMITTMENT!
ReplyDeleteNo. 89 (looking back): Man, with the camera zoomed in like this, it really looks like a bigger crowd than the dozen unemployed people clustered together resembles in reality.
ReplyDeleteDude with the helmet in the middle: "If VICK dont come to 'D'ees nuts 'C' then im gonna eat someone"
ReplyDeleteChinese dude in front: "oh shit i think he means me"
Dude turning around: "I got 5 bucks says you won't"
Dude holding the helmet: "5Bux?!?! Sheeeeit son Hold me Helmet"
If you change the 'V' to a 'D'... you know...
ReplyDelete"No, not the football player, the vapor rub! I have a stuffed up nose!"
ReplyDelete"You don't like Mikey V you Cat in the Hat motha fucka?
ReplyDeleteDC wants Vick......so we can alienate the cat in the hat with a Campbell jersey
ReplyDeleteTheoretically, could he have played for the 'skins while on house arrest? It's the same general neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteThe ankle tracking device would have been a violation of the NFL uniform policy.