[Click play for soundtrack]
[Phone rings]
Icehouse: What the fuck is up?!
Lindsey Vonn:

Icehouse, I've been thinking about... us.
Icehouse: Oh yeah? Well, we had a good run, but it's better this way. I hear you're doing great, and that you're all healthy coming into the season, so.... you know... good luck and all that.
Lindsey Vonn: Icehouse, wait a second--
Icehouse: No time, baby, I gotta--
Lindsey Vonn: Icehouse, I'm pregnant.
Icehouse: You're WHAT?!
Lindsey Vonn: Well, I'm not, I just wanted you to pay attention to me. I do have something for you, though.
Icehouse: Okaaaaay. It's not going to be anything crazy, is it?
Lindsey Vonn: No, it's... sexy.
Icehouse: Hm. Continue.
Lindsey Vonn: Well, I know how much you love National Lampoon movies, as well as spoofs of police movies, so I--
Icehouse: Dressed up as Kathy Ireland spoofing Sharon Stone in Loaded Weapon 1?
Lindsey Vonn: Oh, um... well, yeah.

How did you guess that?
Icehouse: Instinct, baby. Instinct.
Lindsey Vonn: Well, do you want to come reenact the butt-in-the-moonlight scene?
Icehouse: I'd like to, but I got a prior commitment.
Lindsey Vonn: Well can we at least exchange dirty text messages? It's all the rage these days among athletes.
Icehouse: Ehhh, you can if you want, but remember, I drink a lot and have a blog.
Lindsey Vonn: Oh, how I wish things could work out between u--
Icehouse: Well, I wish I could stay and chat, but it happens to be underwear dance party night here at the Icehousehold. Take it sleazy.
[Hangs up]
Ready baby?
Icehouse: Righteous.
Sooooo much elitism in this post. I love it.