This week in fansanity. Someone poisoned the trees on Toomer's Corner at Auburn University. Those Cal Hippies protecting the trees aren't to crazy anymore, eh Auburn?
Here's my favorite part.
The university learned that a caller to The Paul Finebaum Show, a nationally syndicated radio show based in Birmingham, on Jan. 27, claimed he had applied the herbicide. As a precaution, soil samples were taken the next day and sent to the Alabama State Pesticide Residue Laboratory on campus for analysis. Due to a small fire that occurred in the Alabama lab in December, the tests were sent to the lab at Mississippi State University in Starkville, Miss., to expedite results
PAWWWWWWWWWWWWWL This is Al from Dadeville,I poisoned the trees PAWWWWWWWWWWWL. Roll Damn Tide!!!
And is it any shock that the Alabama State Pesticide Residue Laboratory had a small fire? Of course not.
Go ahead and listen to the audio here, you wont regret the two minutes you take out of your life.
On a practical arbor terrorist level, why exactly would you call in to warn of the poisoning?Wouldn't it be more shocking if the trees just started dying? SEC fans would have a field day creating metaphors about the death of the trees and the impending death of the Auburn program due to NCAA violations.
On a human decency level, WHAT THE HELL? This is crazy even for Alabama. In times like these, we look to CFB/SEC flavor expert, Spencer Hall, to make sense of the situation. I guess, at the end of the day it's still entertaining in a sick twisted Alabama way.
So don't you go changing on me Alabama.
(Also, if you think Bear Bryan't's statue isn't being guarded 24/7 by UA ROTC you're kidding yourself.)

Picture of the man, arrested for the poisoning. Icehouse sent him a friend request. As suspected, he did not attend college.
Calling in to claim responsibility is a signature of terrorists. Can't let LSU fans claim responsibility.
ReplyDeleteTrue, I'm just saying to call it in after the trees were dead.
ReplyDeleteIt should also be stated that he has a son named Bear and a daughter named Crimson. We should've seen this coming how-ever-old-Crimson-and-Bear-are ago.