Getting back into the tradition of putting up pictures of drunk athletes is a lot easier when you've got a wasted Reggie Miller (REGGIE MILLER?) giving to a barebacked floozie. Holla.
Okay, on to the pre-Christmas funbag. Ho ho ho.
Electric Eels are cool. Alligators are also cool. An alligator eating an electric eel? Well, that's just crazy enough to be viewed by dozens of people.
More from the wacky animal department, this is a parrot singing the most famous Drowning Pool song. Notably, the lead singer of this band died in an overdose years ago. Reincarnation advocates are probably sitting up in their papasan chairs right now.
This is a little old, maybe a week or so, but it's still worth viewing. I read somewhere that releasing the trailer to "The Beaver" is essentially announcing a "Remix The Beaver Trailer with Mel's Psychotic Rant" contest to the internet. Here's the contest winner.
The Beaver Recut - watch more funny videos
Now on to the crap I like, which is traditional stand up comedy (FART NOISE). The A.V. Club released it's Bst Comedy Albums of 2010 list, along with some clips. Feel free to peruse the whole list, but here are a couple of my favs:
Hope everyone enjoys this last weekend of shopping before Christmas. I'm sure it won't make anyone want to commit murder. See you kids out there.
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